Cummins N14

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The Switchblade® Turbocharger improves performance by eliminating turbo lag with patented technology that increases velocity and pressure. The single externally actuated blade replaces the complex moving parts in today's VGT turbos, preventing carbon deposit fouling and reducing maintenance concerns. The electronic or pneumatic control system is self-contained and can be adapted to fit almost any application for VGT performance benefits, with a faster installation time.

The vane in the Switchblade® enables take-off like a small A/R turbine housing and opens at a preset boost pressure, performing like a large turbine housing. Giving you the best of both worlds - quick spool-up on takeoff and great power on the top end.

Product Information

Cummins N14

Reduce Fuel Cost
The Switchblade® saves drivers over $20,000 annually in fuel costs.
Total fuel used over 3 months was $16,220.12, a reduction of $5,108.67 from a pre-upgrade fuel cost of $21,328.79. Drivers also reported improved drivability under load due to decreased turbo lag and improved boost pressure build-up.
Switchblade Turbo Fuel Cost

*The data shown is actual customer data and is not a guarantee of projected actual performance results.
Increase Fuel Mileage
Upgrading to a Switchblade Turbocharger can improve mpg 5 - 15%
Data was averaged over 3 months resulting in an average mpg of 7.2. The pre-turbo upgrade data was gathered over a 3-month period leading up to the turbo upgrade.
Switchblade Turbo Gas Mileage Increase

*The data shown is actual customer data and is not a guarantee of projected actual performance results.
Required Installation Components
There are no additional components required for installation.

Engine Coverage
The horsepower rating is based on the original turbo manufacturer's compressor maps. If you need assistance because you've modified your turbo to improve horsepower, please get in touch with us for help selecting the correct Switchblade® Turbo for your engine.
Switchblade® Warranty
Switchblade® Turbochargers are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal operating conditions and OEM-recommended performance specifications for 12 months/unlimited mileage hours from the installation date. Refer to the end-user warranty policy certificate for further details regarding end-user responsibilities, limitations, and maintenance requirements.

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